Treadlighter supports the charity ‘Renewable World’
Creating energy access for all is seen as one of the most important objectives in the pursuit of liberating poor societies; the UN has named it a primary goal to be achieved by 2030.
Globally, over 1.3 billion people live without access to electricity 2.6 billion have no access to clean cooking facilities and are forced to use expensive and dangerous polluting fuels, which are directly responsible for 2 million deaths annually.
£250 Refer a Friend Charity Promotion
Join us in helping to make a real difference in the world
Here’s how you can help..
How many homeowners or businesses do you know who would benefit from installing a Solar PV system? After all the figures don’t lie and you know it is a sound investment.
For every person or organisation you refer to us, who goes on to install a Treadlighter PV system, we will donate £250 in your name to the charity Renewable World.
You’ll also receive a certificate from Renewable World confirming that the donation has been received and thanking you for your support.
All you have to do is let us know who you have referred.
What does £250 provide?
In short, a great deal.
Alice Larkin, Events & Communications Officer, Renewable World with Guy Hewitt MD and Rupert Baker, Senior Engineer celebrate the charity promotion launch at new Primary School – Floreat Wandsworth
Water Pumps
£250 is enough to manufacture a renewable energy water pump, giving Nepalese communities clean, safe drinking water for life.
Solar Home Energy Systems
£250 contributes towards a solar home energy system for a household in Nicaragua giving children light to study and families energy to work in the evenings
Drip Irrigation Systems
£250 can purchase a drip irrigation system and provide training to help a household increase its income through growing cash crops.